I Heart CA--Milton Marks Exhibition
Women’s Caucus for Art - Exhibition
I Love California
The Peninsula Chapter of the Women’s Caucus for Art will present a
member exhibition titled I Love California.
August 1, 2012 through January 31, 2013 at the Milton Marks
Conference Center Galleries, San Francisco. Gallery hours are 7:30 am to 5:30
pm Mondays through Fridays.
Love California
includes artwork by emerging and professional women artists Beate Amler, Della
Calfee, Claire Erlin, Annamaria Kusber, Rebecca Lambing, Ellen Lee, Kim McCool
Nelson, Alysanne McGaffey, Yvonne Newhouse, Nora Raggio, Jeanette Sacco-Belli, Bonnie J. Smith, Francine
Survilo, Leigh Toldi, Cristina Velazquez and Marian Yap. The works on display
cover a broad range of two-dimensional mediums that include oils, acrylic,
fiber art, watercolor, mixed media and photography. The exhibit provides the
viewer a look into the artist’s interpretation of living within California with
its idealized golden land of mountains, oceans and cities.
the Women’s Caucus for Art
Founded in
1972 in connection with the College Art Association (CAA), WCA is a national
member organization unique in its multi-disciplinary, multicultural membership
of artists, art historians, students /educators, and museum
professionals. The mission of the Women's Caucus for Art is to expand
opportunities and recognition for women in the arts.
WCA is
committed to education about the contributions of women, opportunities for the
exhibition of women's work, publication of women's writing about art, inclusion
of women in the history of art, professional equity for all, and respect for
all individuals without discrimination and support for legislation relevant to
our goals. For more information
visit: www.nationalwca.org
Milton Marks Conference Center Galleries